Eleonore Neubacher
Internationally educated and widely travelled, Eleonor has worked in the travel business for many years. Her special fields of interest are Jewish Vienna but she is also much into the musical life of the city and more sophisticated subjects as the masonic movement in Austria. She also works as a courier for various European countries, Spain being her absolute favourite.

Tel.:+43 1 369 64 01
Mobil:+43 664 28 19 118
Fax:+43 1 369 64 01

The following tours are scheduled (public):

1000 Years of Jewish Tradition in Vienna
Once the hub of a vast Empire extending from Lake Constance far into eastern Europe, Vienna has always had a remarkable Jewish history. On ths tour we outline the development of the various Jewish communities from the earliest records of the 10th cen...

All other tours can only be privately booked:
The Imperial House of Habsburg and its Spanish Legacy in Vienna.
European history once revolved around the House of Hapsburg or the "Casa d'Austria" as it was known in the Spanish-speaking world. From the Middle Ages to the Ottoman invasion, to the Napoleonic wars and ending in World War I, Hapsburg...

Vienna Opera Houses Past and Present
Vienna has always had a strong musical tradition and has for several centuries been a bastion of operatic music. The key focus of this tour are the two Vienna opera houses which have helped establish this tradition: the focus of this tour are the two...

Turn-of-the-Century Vienna around Sigmund Freud
The late 19th century saw an unprecedented rise of the Jewish population of Vienna. Families from all over the Hapsburg Empire flocked to Vienna which at that time was commonly dubbed the "New Jerusalem". The family of Sigmund Freud was one...