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The following scheduled tours match your category:

The fortified Vienna: remaining bastions, secret corrridors and anecdotes of the sieges of Vienna along the river Vienna and Danube
Vienna has been surrounded more than 600 years by bastions and walls. This walking tour shows you the remaining walls and the construction of palaces and gardens along the former fortifications along the Vienna and Danube river. We follow monuments a...

Vienna in the Footsteps of The Third Man
The quintessential tour for film buffs! More than 60 years after his death in the sewers of Vienna, Orson Welles's Harry Lime still haunts the city. The scars of the war have long disappeared but almost all the locations of Carol Reed's noi...

The following tours have no specific time/date but can be booked for private parties
Love, Death and the Plague – Life in Medieval Vienna
Medieval Vienna was one of the largest cities in Europe, by today’s standards it was extremely small. It had about 25,000 residents living in some 1,000 buildings within the walled city. Streets were very narrow and unpaved, and space was at a premi...

"Oh my lord, what a beauteous dream" - Sisi and Vienna
At the tender age of 16 the Bavarian Princess Elizabeth, better known under her nickname Sisi, married her cousin, Austrian Emperor Francis Joseph I. The newlyweds were considered a dream couple. Yet the reality was much different. When Elizabeth mar...

12th September 1683: Diary about Vienna´s Liberation from the Ottomans
12th September 1683, 5 o´clock in the morning; the place: Mount Kahlenberg. More than 70 000 soldiers of the allied army are standing by along a wide front on the hills of the Vienna Woods from Mount Kahlenberg to Mount Freimarkstein for the li...

A Jewish Heritage Walk through Vienna’s Central Cemetery
A tour through the Old Jewish section of Vienna’s Central Cemetery is a walk through Vienna’s Jewish past. Acquired by the Jewish Community in 1877, the so-called Old Jewish Section at Gate 1 became the final resting place of about 80,000 Viennese Je...

Barbers, Physicians, Quack-Doctors
History of Medicine Part I: The subject of the walking tour is the history of the old medical science in Vienna Language: German. Available as private tour in English, French, Italian and Spanish. The book (in German) by Anna Ehrlich on the ab...


Crazy Archdukes
Privileged by birth, second to none in rank, entiteld to fabulous fortunes, but restrained by a severe code of conduct and morals - the Archdukes and Archduchesses, the princes of the Austrian Royal House of Habsburg. But sometimes even members of ...

From Empire to Reich
From Holy Empire to Reich: on-the-spot report. Find the scenes of Vienna's history from Napoleon's capture to Adolf Hitler's 'Anschluss'. Learn about Metternich and the Congress of Vienna. Get an impression of the revolut...

History of Vienna in War and Post-War Times
March 1938 marked the annexation of Austria into the Third Reich. The swastika replaced the Austrian eagle. Austria seized to exist as an independent, sovereign country. From now on the fates of its people were indelibly linked with Hitler’s fascist ...

Jewish Vienna in the Maelstrom of History
There have been Jewish communities in Vienna on and off since the 13th century, times of peace, religious freedom and prosperity but also times of growing anti-Semitism, persecution, expulsion and death. This illustrated tour is intended to offer an ...

Jewish Vienna Past and Present
There have been Jewish communities in Vienna on and off since the 13th century, times of peace, religious freedom and prosperity but also times of growing anti-Semitism, persecution, expulsion and death. This illustrated tour offers an overview ...

Leopoldstadt - Jewish Vienna beyond the Danube Canal
Leopoldstadt, Vienna's second district, was once the hub of Jewish life in Vienna. It boasted some of the town's finest synagogues, there was a wide array of Jewish shops, clubs, theatres and coffeehouses. The imposing Grain Exchange was a ...

Murder, Witchcraft, Hangmen - Justitia Viennensis
History of Criminal Justice. A Walk through the Old City with Pictures. For school-classes an easier version is offered. The Monument against War and Fascism drastically demonstrates that there were times when justice has been in service of injusti...

On the Traces of Joseph Haydn
Joseph Haydn (1732 – 1809) spent almost twenty years of his life in Vienna. Here, he started his musical career as a choir boy at St. Stephen’s Cathedral (in which he also got married); here, he established himself as an artist; and here, he returne...

Red Vienna: Art Deco Palaces for the Proletariat
"Red Vienna" was the political experiment of Vienna's Socialist city government of the 1920s and early 1930s. It aimed at creating a model culture for the urban proletariat unrivalled worldwide. Sunshine and fresh air at last - also fo...

Sport and Soccer tradition in Vienna: from roman times to present days
The sport and soccer tradition in Vienna starts with the foundation of the famous Viennese teams like Rapid Vienna, Austria, Vienna more than 100 hundred years ago. The cultural phenomenon soccer goes back in Vienna to roman and medieval times. The r...

The children of Maria Theresia

The Hare With Amber Eyes – the Vienna settings of the bestseller about the Ephrussi family
The Hare With Amber Eyes – the Vienna settings of the bestseller about the Ephrussi family. Edmund de Waals international bestseller about the history of the Jewish banker family Ephrussi to a large part plays in Vienna. The main settings are witne...

The Secrets of the Imperial Palace
History of the various buildings and stories about its residents. The buildings of the Hofburg include more than 2.600 rooms. In the course of history the residential area was continuously enlarged, each ruler left his or her traces. To understand...

Theophil Hansen: Buildings for Education, Art, Religion
The stations of his life Copenhagen - Athens - Vienna distinguish Theophil Hansen (1813-1891) as a European architect. He contributed a lot to Vienna’s appearance, some of the most prominent buildings on the Ringstrasse boulevard bear his signature. ...

Theophil Hansen: Buildings for Politics and Economy
The stations in his life Copenhagen - Athens - Vienna show Theophil Hansen (1813-1891) to be a European architect. He helped shape the face of Vienna, and some of the most prominent buildings on the Ringstrasse bear his signature. Significant develop...

Turn-of-the-Century Vienna around Sigmund Freud
The late 19th century saw an unprecedented rise of the Jewish population of Vienna. Families from all over the Hapsburg Empire flocked to Vienna which at that time was commonly dubbed the "New Jerusalem". The family of Sigmund Freud was one...

Vienna in the Footsteps of the Third Man
The quintessential tour for film buffs! More than 60 years after his death in the sewers of Vienna, Orson Welles's Harry Lime still haunts the city. The scars of the war have long disappeared but almost all the locations of Carol Reed's ...

Viennese Art Nouveau: Outcry against the Establishment in Art and Design
Zur Blütezeit des Wiener Jugendstils gründeten 1903 die Designer Josef Hoffmann und Kolman Moser mit dem Industriellen und Kunstmäzen Fritz Waerndorfer nach dem Vorbild des britischen Arts & Crafts Movement die Wiener Werkst&au...

Young Hitler in Vienna
Vienna around 1900 was a city full of arts, music and diverse political opinions. Old Franz Joseph still ruled here over the multicultural population of the Austro-Hungarian Empire. Young Hitler moved to the capital in February 1908 to attend the Aca...